The Incommunicado-s
Often referred to as the "outsiders", the "nomads", or the "vandals"...Instead I would like to refer to them as the "incommunicado-s".
The Roma community has now for centuries been distinguished for their "foreign" manners against the tide of society. However, the time I spent photographing them taught me that they still deserve to be respected. After all they are a community that has learned to deal with everything in life without the help of formal education, but rather "on the road". Outstanding is also the fact that they know how to always keep up the positive spirit through their festivities' traditions, making their own popular ways within the "unpopular", let alone the way they stick together and support each-other within the community.
Usually their sense of "home" is just an existence with no name but that of a travelling stranger, for they can stay for months in a certain place and within days there may be nothing left but ashes of their bonfires or remains of their tents.